Vegan Food In Tokyo & Beyond: 7 Tips For Plant-Based Travel In Japan

Vegan Meal in Tokyo

Is it easy to be vegan in Japan?

While it is possible to find vegan food in Tokyo, plant-based travel in Japan isn’t exactly easy.

Now, to say Japan is a little disorienting to a Westerner is, in my opinion, a slight understatement.

Itā€™s a place where sensory overload is the norm; where bright lights, technology and loud music blare from every corner and the rush of people never stops.

Contrast this with the strange abundance of beautiful ancient temples and shrines that hark back to the old days of imperial rule, and itā€™s no wonder that ‘overwhelm’ is the standard feeling for most tourists.

Add trying to maintain a vegan diet into the mix ā€” or even a vegetarian one ā€” and many travelers give up; not unreasonably, as itā€™s just too much to deal with.

I traveled to Tokyo, Kyoto, Nara, and Kanazawa in March last year, and while it certainly wasnā€™t the easiest country to travel as a vegan, it was by no means impossible.

It just required a little planning and preparation.

Below are my top tips for traveling in Japan as a vegan.

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Love vegan sushi and other vegan Japanese food? Check out this guide to traveling to Japan as a vegan, which includes a list of the top vegan restaurants in Tokyo and beyond. You can also find tips for eating out in Japan.

1. Want A Vegan Or Vegetarian Restaurant In Tokyo Or Elsewhere? Plan Ahead

Unless you can read Japanese, itā€™s unlikely youā€™ll stumble across a vegan or vegetarian restaurant by chance when youā€™re out exploring.

Many commercial buildings in Japan have multiple floors and units, and restaurants are often several floors up and not necessarily visible from the street.

Research vegan food options and restaurants in advance and plan where youā€™re going to eat that day.

Vegan Food In Tokyo for plant-based travel
Vegan Meal in Tokyo. Photo courtesy of Elizabeth Emery –

Also be aware that it’s not always obvious what is vegan and what isn’t. Sure, if you’re eating shabu shabu in Kyoto or Japanese-style barbecue in Osaka it’s obvious.

However, did you know that eating soba noodles in Japan typically offers a vegan experience, while ramen does not?

Vegan dishes in #Japan aren't always as obvious as miso soup. Here's how to find plant-based meals in #Tokyo & beyond. Share on X


Even following this rule, I found I often spent upwards of 30 minutes trying to find the restaurant I was going to. Bear in mind that signs often wonā€™t be in English.

Vegan Matcha Pancakes in Kyoto for plant-based travel
Vegan Matcha Pancakes. Photo courtesy of Elizabeth Emery –

2. Make Being Vegan In Japan Easier With The Happy Cow App

If you do only one thing to prepare for your trip, download the Happy Cow mobile app.

This app has been helping hungry vegans and vegetarians find food all over the world for years and contains restaurant listings with details of prices, cuisine and hours.

Listings are constantly updated with reviews by other travelers.

This is really helpful when you want to confirm that a restaurant is still current and open for business, as sometimes they close very quietly but their listings donā€™t get removed from the app.

Particularly useful is the map pinpointing exactly where restaurants are located.

Fushimi-Inari in japan
Fushimi-Inari. Photo courtesy of Elizabeth Emery –

3. Know How To Order Vegan Food In Japan

The concept of being plant-based hasnā€™t hit Japan yet as fully as it has other parts of the world, and as such dishes containing meat broths and dashi ā€” a fish-based seasoning ā€” are often considered vegan by many Japanese.

Be sure to check whether the dishes youā€™re ordering contain any animal derivatives and have a translation of a phrase that explains your dietary requirements to hand.

A translation of the following would work well:

ā€œI do not eat any meat, fish, seafood or its extracts, such as soup stocks and fats. I also do not eat dairy, eggs, or honey.ā€

Vegan Food In Tokyo for plant-based travel
Vegan Meal in Tokyo. Photo courtesy of Elizabeth Emery –

4. Temple Stays In Japan Feature Vegan Menus

Booking a stay at a Buddhist temple while youā€™re in Japan offers a great way to explore Japanese culture ā€” while also eating veggie-friendly.

Shojin food is naturally vegetarian and contains no animal products, emphasizing foods like tofu and vegetables instead.

Itā€™s also a great way to experience the monastic way of life, as many temples will expect you to join them for morning prayers and meditations.

5. Eat Vegan At Japan’s Convenience Stores

Including 7-Eleven!

These handy little convenience stores are everywhere in Japan, and, surprisingly, you’ll find vegan Japanese snacks inside.

Helpful resource:

The above video shows every conbini (convenience food) item thatā€™s suitable for vegans.

Awesome! šŸ™‚ The video in this post shows you all the #veganfood you can buy in a #Japan convenience store. Share on X

They arenā€™t the most exciting ā€” think rice balls with beans, edamame etc.

That being said, they do make plant-based travel in Japan easier. And when youā€™re hungry, youā€™ll be glad for them.

Vegan Matcha Cake in Tokyo for plant-based travel
Vegan Matcha Cake in Tokyo. Photo courtesy of Elizabeth Emery –

6. It’s Easier To Find Vegan Restaurants In Tokyo Than Small Towns

While not impossible, it can be challenging to find vegan food options in some smaller towns in Japan, as the plant-based eating craze just hasnā€™t hit the majority of the population yet.

Try to travel to larger cities with younger demographics.

For instance, it’s easier to find vegan food in Kyoto where there is a larger array of dining options than in, say, the tiny village of Shirakawa. When traveling Uji, a smaller city, you may find some options for eating vegetarian in Japan, but it’ll still be somewhat limited.

Thatā€™s not to say donā€™t visit smaller towns ā€” because theyā€™re truly incredible and contain some real hidden gems ā€” but make sure youā€™ve stocked up on snacks and vegan conbini from the 7-Eleven before you go.

Tokyo travel
Tokyo. Photo courtesy of Elizabeth Emery –

7. Make Eating Vegan In Japan Easier With Phone Data

The final tip sounds like a no-brainer but, given that youā€™ll be spending a lot of your time researching food options, youā€™ll save yourself a major headache if you ensure you have a good data roaming package on your cell phone.

Traveling #Japan as a #vegan? These 7 essential tips will make a plant-based visit MUCH easier. Share on X

Pro tip:

You can also rent a personal pocket Wi-Fi device in Japan, which is another good option.

Generally, free Wi-Fi can be sporadic in Japan ā€” and not every cafĆ©/store has it ā€” so being able to use the Happy Cow app and look up restaurant addresses when youā€™re out and about is priceless.

What is your favorite vegan food in Tokyo? Any plant-based travel tips for Japan to add? 

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Traveling vegan in Japan isn't the easiest thing in the world; however, it is possible. Here are 7 clever tips for finding plant-based food and restaurants in Tokyo, Kyoto and beyond. This article will help you fill up on more than seaweed and green teas to savor delicious vegan Japanese recipes and plant-based travel favorites! // #VeganInJapan #VeganInTokyo #JapanTravel #JapanTravelTips #TravelingAsAVegan #VeganJapaneseRecipes

Elizabeth Emery

Elizabeth Emery is a food blogger, writer and recipe developer based in Vancouver, BC. She is passionate about making beautiful plant-based recipes and creating vegan travel guides to cities around the world. Vancouver with Love.

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